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Dolin Dry Vermouth 750ml

Very pale crystalline robe, tinged with gold. Generous, full, intense nose of citrus peel, underscored by menthol and balsamic notes. Aromas of mountain plants linger on the finish. Velvety texture with harmonious aromas of almond and fruit pit. Slightly bitter citrus base underlies and balances this elegant, lively vermouth with subtle persistence.

Dolin Rouge Vermouth 750ml

Brilliant amber robe with glints of copper. Very pleasant nose of fruit compote, prune and walnut, with a slightly grassy note tempered by the spicy notes of cinnamon, vanilla and Szechwan pepper. A subtle base of bitterness underlies this very rich bouquet. On the palate - complex aromas of almond and fruit pit, citrus, pear and cinnamon, with notes of spice cake and tobacco, then violet, oregano and hyssop.

Drambuie The Isle of Skye Liqueur 1 Litre

Drambuie is a honey and herb flavoured golden scotch whisky liqueur made from aged malt whisky, heather honey and a secret blend of herbs and spices. The flavour suggests saffron, honey, anise, nutmeg and an herbal earthiness.

Drambuie The Isle of Skye Liqueur 700ml

Drambuie is a honey and herb flavoured golden scotch whisky liqueur made from aged malt whisky, heather honey and a secret blend of herbs and spices. The flavour suggests saffron, honey, anise, nutmeg and an herbal earthiness.

Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin 50ml

At the edge of a lake in a shed in a small Irish town, the ordinary is made extraordinary. Within is the laboratory of PJ Rigney, boundary-pushing begetter of hand-made spirits who slow distills gin with natures finest oriental botanicals and gunpowder tea.

Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin 700ml

In deepest rural Ireland, on the edge of a lake in Drumshanbo, Co Leitrim, is home of The Shed Distillery and PJ Rigney. PJ created The Shed Distillery with its medieval copper pot stills and began a quest to fuse oriental botanicals with the local Irish ones. As it turned out, they got on very well indeed. The result of this passionate exploration is Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin - unique, extraordinary, and remarkable, all bottled and labelled by local hands at the distillery.

Edinburgh Rhubarb & Ginger Gin 700ml

With its unique recipe of 14 botanicals, we take our signature Edinburgh Gin Classic, and post-infuse it with rhubarb and ginger to create this full-strength expression. Bottled at 40%, this perfectly balanced juniper-forward gin is full of natural flavour. Aromas of rhubarb are complemented by a lift of spice, leading to a smooth, full finish.

El Jimador Tequila Añejo 700ml

El Jimador Añejo Tequila is a rich, full-bodied tequila. It's made with 100% blue Weber agave, double distilled and aged for 12 months in charred oak barrels. Experience the vanilla, hazelnut and cinnamon aromas with a slightly earthy flavour that features pepper notes and other spices in each el Jimador tequila bottle. Sip it straight, or use in a cocktail or Margarita.

El Jimador Tequila Blanco 700ml

Young and fresh, el Jimador Blanco Tequila steps up with truly authentic character. It's made with 100% hand-harvested blue Weber agave and double distilled with sparkling clarity. el Jimador perfected the skills to produce a spirit so rich in flavour that every sip comes to life. Crisp and buzzing with citrus flavours, take a sip or shake it up.

El Jimador Tequila Reposado 700ml

el Jimador Reposado begins with 100% hand-harvested blue Weber agave, naturally fermented and double distilled. Then it enjoys a two-month siesta in their own handmade American oak barrels until the perfect moment. The results are worth the wait: an exquisite golden tone, warm seasoned flavours and a smooth, confident agave flavour that really shines through.

Elephant Rock Vodka 700ml

Named for the mighty Elephant Head that welcomes you at Akaroa Heads, Elephant Rock Vodka evokes the freshness of a day on the ocean. Bull kelp and orange peel combine in a clean, smooth vodka with a sophisticated minerality. Sip on it neat or mix with soda to bring subtle hints of sea air to your glass. Tales of the harbour told in spirit.

Engine Pure Organic Gin 500ml

ENGINE is a distilled gin hand-crafted by master distillers, produced in small batches and bottled by hand in the Alta Langa region, in north-western Italy. Its formula is linked with Italian and Piedmont tradition, paying tribute to rosolios (sweet liqueurs), cordials and liquors made from sage and lemon which in the past were ancient digestive remedies. It is produced with 100% organic Italian ingredients, from a controlled supply chain.
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