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Gran Feudo Baluarte Navarra Roble 750ml

This is a is fruity wine, predominantly red fruit aromas and notes of fine wood. The palate is fruity, soft, fresh and with good structure. It is velvety, with a long and pleasant finish.

Grant Burge 5th Generation Shiraz 750ml

The 5th Generation range honours the winemaking endeavours of Grant Burge over five generations while showcasing the exemplary fruit and unrivalled quality produced in our highly acclaimed Barossa region.

Grant Burge Barossa Ink Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

A deeply coloured wine with great depth and varietal definition.

Grant Burge Barossa Ink Shiraz 750ml

A Shiraz so bold and dark in colour, it's almost ink! This is a vibrant, opulent Shiraz designed to make a statement. A rich bouquet of sweet red fruit complement a juicy fruit driven palate. Fine velvety tannins support the round fruit flavours. An ideal sipper, this is an aromatic Shiraz with minimal oak presence that is perfect drinking now.

Grant Burge Distinction Holy Trinity Grenache Shiraz Mourvèdre 750ml

The nose is awash with earthy notes, warm curry spices, cherry liqueur and juicy plum. The medium-full bodied wine is filled with vibrant flavours of fresh red fruits and vanilla, complemented by fine and ripe tannins that run the length of the palate.

Grant Burge Distinction Holy Trinity Grenache Shiraz Mourvèdre 750ml

The nose is awash with earthy notes, warm curry spices, cherry liqueur and juicy plum. The medium-full bodied wine is filled with vibrant flavours of fresh red fruits and vanilla, complemented by fine and ripe tannins that run the length of the palate.

Grant Burge Pink Ink Dry Rosé 750ml

Vibrant Red with pink hues. Intense nose with red and white fruits such as cherry, raspberry, dewberry and white peach backed up by a lovely floral bouquet. Delicate but dense sweet fruits with a creamy texture stand out on the mouth. Tones of cherry and almond blossom with wild red fruits such as boysenberry and dewberry balanced by fine acidity turn it into an elegant and easy drinking wine.

Greasy Fingers Shiraz 750ml

A dense, dark and brooding wine with luscious, ripe berry fruits, smooth tannin and sweet mocha oak. Goes perfect with your favourite burger.

Haha Hawke's Bay Chardonnay 750ml

An elegant wine with a delicious combination of white peach, apple and hint of spice.

Haha Hawke's Bay Pinot Gris 750ml

Bright and attractively fruited, our Pinot Gris continues to satisfy Gris lovers with its succulent lychee, pear and nectarine flavours. Off dry in style, this wine is fruit-expressive and fleshy, delivering youthful fruit intensity and a perfect partner in crime to enjoy with fresh fish or Asian cuisine.

Haha Hawke's Bay Rosé 750ml

A Bordeaux blend of mainly Merlot and Malbec, this beautifully delicate wine shows flavours of red berries, watermelon and a touch of spice. Fresh and crisp on the palate, with a dry finish, this wine is sure to delight the senses.

Haha Marlborough Pinot Noir 750ml

Elegant, juicy and vibrant best sums up this Pinot Noir. Beautifully aromatic and silky smooth, this Pinot is perfectly matched with tender new season lamb chops on the BBQ.
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